Diabetes and Dental Health

More than 25 million people in the United States suffer from diabetes. Diabetes is associated with high levels of blood sugar and is known to lower resistance to infection and can increase one or all of the following:

Gum disease, including gums that bleed easily or are tender and swollen

Tooth decay

Taste impairment

Inflammatory skin disease

Persistent bad breath

Changes in teeth position

Additionally, patients with diabetes (especially those with dentures) are more susceptible to oral fungal infections, including thrush and oral candidiasis.

Emerging research also suggests that the relationship between serious gum disease and diabetes is two-way. Not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious gum disease may have the potential to affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes. Research suggests that people with diabetes are at higher risk for oral health problems, such as gingivitis (an early stage of gum disease) and periodontitis (serious gum disease). People with diabetes are at an increased risk for serious gum disease because they are generally more susceptible to bacterial infection, and have a decreased ability to fight bacteria that invade the gums.

We recommend at our office, in the Montclair area, to have increased hygiene visits and dispense many aids to help keep the gingival health at it’s maximum. Control your blood glucose level. Then, take good care of your teeth and gums, along with regular checkups. To control thrush, a fungal infection, maintain good diabetic control, avoid smoking and, if you wear them, remove and clean dentures daily. Good blood glucose control can also help prevent or relieve dry mouth caused by diabetes.


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