Finally, a way to replace missing teeth with natural looking and feeling teeth. But can anyone get dental implants? Read our blog to find out.
Finally, a way to replace missing teeth with natural looking and feeling teeth. But can anyone get dental implants? Read our blog to find out.
Do genetics influence your oral health? Recent studies say yes and no. Learn about which health factors you can control in our latest article.
Botox (neuroroxin) isn’t solely an aesthetic treatment. Because of its ability to halt muscle movement, Botox is helpful in situations when you don’t have control over certain muscles’ contractions. This may sound like an unlikely circumstance, but we actually possess...
Learn to recognize oral cancer symptoms. Early detection is vital and will help you protect yourself and your loved ones!
April is Oral Cancer Prevention Month. If we’re to prevent oral cancer, we need to be mindful of easy-to-follow lifestyle measures that can help you both lower risk of oral cancer and/or increase the likelihood of early diagnosis and successful treatment. Cancer that...
Many people only seek a dentist when they have a tooth that needs help. Trying to save money by only treating a tooth when a problem has reached a point that it can no longer be ignored, is short-sighted. Why? Because it actually costs you more. Preventative dentistry...
Do you notice an increase in pink every October? From politicians to football players to community members, the color seems to pop up everywhere! Since 1985, when National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded, October has been designated as a time to...
You’ve been putting off your dental checkup. Your schedule is crazy and it keepsslipping your mind. Your teeth look fine, so it’s not a big deal, right?Actually, putting off those dental checkups could be putting you at risk for gum diseaseeven if you don’t see any...
Approximately one in eight women in the U.S. will develop breast cancer. What’s even more frightening, , an estimated 231,840 cases of breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2015. Despite these discouraging facts, there are actions you and your loved ones can...
The food you eat definitely impacts your overall health, but did you know it can alsoimpact the health of your teeth? March is National Nutrition Month and your Totowa dental team is here to share the foods that could help you ace your next dental check‐up! The Best...